Wednesday, November 26, 2008

When do you Quilt Poll

First of all, I'm really glad I ran the poll. I'm a new blogger and it showed me that people are actually reading my blog! (I'd love to know who you all are!).

I posted the poll asking when you like to quilt. Most of those who responded like to quilt in the evening- or at night when everyone else is asleep. When I was younger (kids at home) I was a night-quilter. But I have more control of my time now, and I like daylight. I especially like to do hand work, like hand stitching binding, in natural light. I guess it's my 50-something eyesight.

No matter when you quilt (or knit or scrap or bead or read...) take some time for yourself. Once a day or once a week- whatever you can work in. Just remember how important your outlets are. Nurturing others is much easier when our own cup is full.

It's the eve of Thanksgiving and I am going to do some cooking tonight in preparation for tomorrow. Our grown sons and their ladies and some other family will be filling our dining room tomorrow. I'm excited! I love to cook and I love even more to have friends and loved ones around. However you spend your Thanksgiving, I hope it's filled with gratitude and contentment (and pumpkin pie!).